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Improve your wellbeing with Edeniste’s mood-boosting fragrances

Scent can do extraordinary things. It can spark forgotten childhood memories, transport us back to dreamy past holiday destinations, and elicit instant feelings of attraction (the global perfume industry’s raison d’être). But what if your signature spritz could influence your mood — from boosting your energy and aiding relaxation, to stimulating your happiness levels throughout the day?


That’s the idea behind Edeniste’s Lifeboost fragrances — the very first range of perfume that has been formulated to tap into our neurological system and improve our emotional wellbeing. You heard that right! By using advanced methodologies (including fMRI, EEG Analysis, biosensory and saliva testing), Edeniste has collaborated with the world’s leading neuroscientists to single out the scent molecules proven to work magic on our olfactory pathways and limbic system. The result? A one-of-a-kind collection of fine fragrances that are scientifically designed to make you feel amazing. Where do we sign up?


The genius concept is the brainchild of Audrey Semeraro, who knew that the purpose of perfume goes far beyond just smelling good. “My aspiration has always been to bring emotional wellbeing to people”, says Semeraro, “but when I looked into the fragrance industry, I found that this need wasn’t being addressed. There was a gap in the market.”


With each of the elixirs targeting a different mood — from happiness to love, energy to relaxation — you can switch between them to find your perfect inner zen. Simply choose your Edeniste EDP base (spoiler: they all smell divine), spray the Lifeboost essence on top and get ready to take on the world. We’ll take one of each please! Edeniste’s fine fragrances are available to order today.